Archdiocesan News
by Deacon Serge Buissé "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your…
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by Peter Dai Nguyen It has been seven years since I left my beloved homeland, Vietnam, and my parents, relatives,…
We are pleased to announce that Serge Buissé who is studying for the diocesan priesthood at St. Joseph Seminary will be ordained…
Rev. Stephen Hero, a former associate pastor and vocations director who grew up in Edmonton and spent nine years as…
Father Ricardo Antonio Cortez, Rector of Saint Óscar Arnulfo Romero major seminary in the diocese of Zacatecoluca, El Salvador has…
For some priests and seminarians, "women represent danger, but in reality, the true danger are those men who do not…
The Vatican City State prosecuting attorney requested an indictment against two priests on charges related to the sexual abuse of…
When Father Richard Leonard — a Jesuit priest and internationally recognized author and critic — tells people about how God…
In a materialistic and secular world, young people rarely ask “What life does God want for me?” However, Camp St.…
When Pascal Siakam was in his young teens attending a minor seminary in Cameroon - and mostly playing soccer in his…