4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly – July 28

Event Dates & Times:

  • Start Date:July 28, 12:00 am
  • End Date:July 28, 12:00 am
  • Event Type:
    Mass or Liturgical
  • eventWizardUrl:

About The Event:

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, the 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated.

This special Day, initiated by Pope Francis, is a precious opportunity to value grandparents and the elderly in our local communities.

This year’s theme, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Ps 71:9), highlights the loneliness experienced by many elderly people, often victims of a culture of waste. In response, we are invited to celebrate a solemn liturgy with grandparents and the elderly, and to visit them, especially those who are isolated.

Reflection on Pope Francis’ Message for the 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis’ message for the 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, entitled “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Ps 71:9), invites us to reflect deeply on the place of the elderly in our lives and in society. It underlines God’s promise never to abandon his children, even as the years pass and life seems less productive. He reminds us that old age is often “a blessing” and that God always remains close, despite the human fear of abandonment and loneliness.

The Holy Father draws attention to the unjust loneliness of the elderly, exacerbated by socio-economic factors, conflict and cultural prejudice. He calls for an urgent and compassionate response to the isolation of the elderly, stressing that their marginalization is a painful reality that requires concrete action. The biblical example of Ruth, who stays with her mother-in-law Naomi, is presented as a model of courage and unconditional love, encouraging us to challenge social norms that tend to exclude the elderly.

Our attention is also drawn to the importance of intergenerational unity, rejecting the idea that the elderly are a burden on society. On the contrary, the Holy Father sees them as cornerstones, rich in wisdom and experience. He calls for a culture of encounter and fraternity, where young and old support each other. By caring for our elders, we honor their dignity and enrich our own humanity, responding to the Gospel call to be present and to say, “I will not abandon you”.

Pastoral resources for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2024

Explore and share these pastoral tools, designed to help facilitate the celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2024, July 28, 2024.  Families, parishes and Catholic groups are encouraged to implement them when developing local activities and to use them on their own social media and communication platforms.

Unlocking Hope: Highlights from the International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care

Video Recap of the Symposium on Palliative Care

CCCB and PAV Press Release on the Symposium on Palliative Care

Message from Pope Francis on the occasion of the Symposium on Palliative Care

Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care

A User’s Guide to Reflection on the Pastoral Letter to Young People

Bishops Release a Pastoral Letter on the Use of Social Media

CCCB Webinar Series: A Great Symphony of Prayer: The Our Father as a Programme of Life

Official Vatican Website: Jubilee 2025