What does it mean to “be born again, to “be born from above”? If you’re an Evangelical or Baptist, you’ve…
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The problem in the world and in the churches, Jim Wallis suggests, is that, perennially, conservatives get it wrong and…
Simone Weil once commented that it’s not enough today to be merely a saint; rather “we must have the saintliness…
Each year, I write a column sharing with readers the title and a brief synopsis of the ten books that…
Growing up as a Roman Catholic, like the rest of my generation, I was taught a prayer called, The Act of…
Archdiocesan News
A common soldier dies without fear; Jesus died afraid. Iris Murdoch wrote those words which, I believe, help expose an over-simplistic…
Our differences are not a threat but a treasure. Jean Vanier, the Founder of L’Arche, who died in Paris on…
During the years that I served as a Religious Superior for a province of Oblate Priests and Brothers in Western…
A reporter once asked two men at the construction site where a church was being built what each did for…
Hell is never a nasty surprise waiting for a basically happy person. Nor is it necessarily a predicable ending for…