Event Dates & Times:
- Start Date:February 13, 7:30 pm
- End Date:February 13, 9:00 pm
- eventWizardUrl:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ude-gqj8iHNG3hAHcqmDntQUmeDXaayoq#/registration
About The Event:
Impacts of Resource extraction and other issues in PERU with Mary Durran
MONDAY, JAN. 13, 2025 7:30-9 pm mt (VIA ZOOM)
Mary Durran has recently returned from visiting projects and partners in Peru and will talk about her experiences on the visit and her long time work in the region. This is especially timely as we will be welcoming Bishop Jorge Izaguirre from Peru, as our Solidarity Visitor to the Alberta/NWT region from March 27 to April 7th (watch for upcoming details). Bishop Izaguirre is the outgoing president of one of our partners, CEAS. CEAS is the official organization of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference that works for the defense and promotion of human rights in the light of the Gospel and the social doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Mary Durran was raised and educated in the UK and had her first experience of international development work while volunteering with Claretian missionaries in Yhu, Paraguay in 1985.
She began her career with CAFOD, Development and Peace’s sister agency in the UK, working on an education campaign on land, debt and slavery in the Global South. She then moved into human rights work with the London based Central America Human Rights Committees, accompanying study tours and MP delegations to El Salvador. This work inspired an 18 month stint as a freelance journalist based in El Salvador, covering Central America for several publications and radio. After El Salvador, she began a lifelong fascination with Haiti, where she worked as a human rights monitor with the UN, returning several times to the Caribbean nation both as a journalist and human rights worker.
In 2002, she started her career with Development and Peace as research and advocacy officer, drawing on her experience in Central America with social and human rights organizations to enhance the campaign that called on Canada to regulate its mining companies in their overseas operations. Working on a joint campaign with CAFOD, in 2007, she led a delegation of Canadian and UK MPs to Honduras, to gather information on the human rights and social impact of mining in the Central American country. In 2012, she moved from work on the campaign in Canada to become Latin America programs officer and is today responsible for Haiti, Honduras and Peru.