Event Dates & Times:
- Start Date:December 21, 6:30 pm
- End Date:December 21, 8:00 pm
Event Type:
Faith Formation Mass or Liturgical
- eventWizardUrl:
Event takes place at:
- Parish:St. Emeric (Hungarian) Szent Imre Római Katolikus Magyar Egyházközség & St Mark's (Catholic) Community of the Deaf / ICDA Chapter #109
- Parish Location:12960 - 112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T5E6J1
- Parish Website:https://www.facebook.com/StEmericEdmonton
- Parish Phone:780.452.1198
About The Event:
Catholic Renewal Services Mass with Healing Service
12/21/2024 06:30 pm
St. Emeric Catholic Hungarian Church
12960-112 St NW, Edmonton