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Archdiocesan News
The Knights of Columbus will be celebrating an important milestone in the history of the Catholic Church in North America…
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In the third episode Archbishop Smith sits down with Fr. Mike and Kim Bombak, from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of…
What’s right and what’s wrong? We fight a lot over moral issues, often with a self-assured righteousness. And mostly we…
With regard to questions arising about comments attributed recently in the media to Pope Francis, it belongs to the Holy…
Catholic Education Prayers of the Faithful for October For Catholic Education: For protection and graces during this time of Pandemic,…
Looking at our world today, what frightens and unsettles me more than the threat of the COVID virus, more than…
“They Need an Anchor.” Those were the words spoken by one of the panelists in our most recent panel discussion.…
On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis released a new encyclical entitled, Fratelli Tutti –…
One size doesn’t fit everyone. This isn’t just true for clothing, it’s also true for spirituality. Our challenges in life… This episode asks the question: Why worship sacramentally? Archbishop Smith’s guests are Dr. Ryan Topping, vice-president and academic dean…