It’s no secret that today we’re witnessing a massive decline in church attendance and, seemingly, a parallel loss of interest…
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According to Isaac the Syrian, a famous 7th Century bishop and theologian, a person who’s genuinely humble gives off a…
Jesus says that if we follow him, the cross, pain, will find us. That message is chronically misunderstood. Maybe we…
We live in a culture that idealizes youth and marginalizes the old. And, as James Hillman says, the old don’t…
Archdiocesan News
The symbol of the cross traces its origins, of course, to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It’s unclear when Christians…
Imagine this: A man, entirely careless of all moral and spiritual affairs, lives his life in utter selfishness, pleasure his…
There’s a huge difference between being bright and being wise, between brilliance and wisdom. We can be highly intelligent, but…
A number of years ago at a symposium on faith and evangelization, one of the speakers made a rather startling…
We wake up into life with the incurable sense that we’re special, that we’re the center of the universe. And,…
What does it mean to “be born again, to “be born from above”? If you’re an Evangelical or Baptist, you’ve…