Ten school districts operate Catholic schools within the boundaries of the Archdiocese. Please visit the websites for detailed information on boundaries, programs, staff, trustees and more:
- Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord (francophone)
- East Central Alberta Catholic Schools
- Edmonton Catholic Schools
- Evergreen Catholic Schools
- Elk Island Catholic Schools
- Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools
- Living Waters Catholic Schools
- Lloydminster Catholic Schools
- Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Schools
Catholic School Associations
GrACE – Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education seeks to build a provincial Catholic community by
celebrating Catholic education across Alberta. Our mission is to inspire, invigorate and embolden the spirit of Catholic education.
Catholic education is uniquely protected by denominational rights enshrined in Canada’s Constitution.
This constitutional protection recognizes the historical and ongoing importance of Catholic education within the Canadian
education system. Defending these rights involves advocating for and ensuring the continued recognition and provision for Catholic education within the broader educational landscape.
Raising our Catholic education profile involves enhancing the visibility and understanding of Catholic education. Sharing the unique benefits and contributions of Catholic Schools helps to increase support and awareness among the public. Catholic education is not only about academic learning but also about instilling values, ethics, and a sense of community. Visit gracealberta.org and on Facebook at facebook.com/GrACE4cathed
The Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association (ACSTA) represents Catholic school trustees in Alberta, Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The purpose of ACSTA is to provide a unified voice providing spiritual and political leadership for publicly funded Catholic education. Their mission is to “Celebrate, preserve, promote and enhance Catholic education.” More information about the association is available at www.acsta.ab.ca.
The Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA) is a community of disciples providing a valuable and valued voice that influences the development and direction of Catholic Education in Alberta.