We are in the early days in the transition to a new Archbishop after Archbishop Richard Smith was appointed the Archbishop of Vancouver. This process has been in place and used for centuries. We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will provide us with a shepherd who will bring joy to our hearts and our Archdiocese.
Please continue to pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he continues his recovery.
Do we have an Archbishop of Edmonton?
No. Archbishop Richard Smith is the Archbishop-designate of Vancouver effective Feb. 25, 2025. He continues as the Archdiocesan Administrator for the Archdiocese of Edmonton.
What are the limitations of an Archdiocesan Administrator?
An Archdiocesan Administrator cannot start new initiatives. He cannot start or close a parish. He cannot appoint a new pastor of a parish. He cannot incardinate priests into our Archdiocese who are leaving another diocese or religious institute.
Has this happened before, in the Archdiocese of Edmonton?
Yes. The late Msgr. Jack Hamilton fulfilled this role in 2006 between the departure of Cardinal Thomas Collins and the appointment and arrival of Archbishop Smith.
Will the Archbishop preside at the Rite of Election?
Yes. Archbishop Smith will preside at the Rite of Election for both Edmonton and rural parishes at St. Joseph’s Basilica. The Rite of Election is on March 8 at 7:30 p.m. for Edmonton Parishes, and on March 9 at 2:30 p.m. for rural parishes.
Will the Archbishop preside at Confirmations?
Yes. There are two Confirmation Masses before the end of May and Archbishop Smith will be the celebrant at both.
Will the ordination of Permanent Deacons go forward on July 22?
Yes. Who will preside is yet to be decided.
Will there be farewell events for Archbishop Smith?
Yes. The events are currently in the planning stage. So far the following events are confirmed:
- March 13 Farewell to priests of the Archdiocese following the Deanery Day.
- Monday, April 14. Archbishop Smith will celebrate the Chrism Mass with a reception to follow.
- May 1 at St. Joseph’s Basilica with a reception to follow. May 1 is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, patron of the Archdiocese of Edmonton and the 18th anniversary of Archbishop Smith installation as the seventh Archbishop of Edmonton
Do the appointed positions, Vicar for Clergy and Vicar-General for example, continue?
No. Appointed roles such as these fall vacant. The only positions that continue are the Judicial Vicar and Chancellor, although the senior leadership of the Archdiocese will continue to meet regularly.
What happens in the Archdiocese of Vancouver?
Archbishop Smith formally takes up his duties in Vancouver when he presents his letter of appointment from His Holiness, Pope Francis, to the College of Consultors of Vancouver, a group which assists the bishop in the governance of the diocese according to canon law. This is followed by the Mass of Installation. The Archbishop will formally take up his duties in Vancouver near the end of May
What happens in the Archdiocese of Edmonton?
Once Archbishop Smith formally takes up his office in Vancouver, the College of Consultors in the Archdiocese of Edmonton will meet to vote on a new Archdiocesan administrator. This is a vote taken locally and it does not need approval from the Vatican.
When will Archbishop Smith be installed as the Archbishop of Vancouver?
The tentative date is set for May 23.
When will we have a new Archbishop?
We don’t know. It is an appointment announced directly by the Holy See. There is no definite time frame for the appointment of a new bishop. Until that time, the Archdiocese will be led by Archbishop Smith and, after his formally taking up his duties in Vancouver, the new Archdiocesan administrator.
Who makes the decisions about who becomes a Bishop, and who serves in what Diocese?
The Apostolic Nuncio, or ambassador to Canada of the Holy See, is the Holy Father’s representative in each country. It is part of the Nuncio’s role to gather information about potential episcopal candidates; clergy and lay persons are consulted as part of the process.
Out of the Dioceses in Canada, the Nuncio will gather the information about the priests recommended. It will be discerned which of those priests presented might be suitable candidates.
A bishop is not named according to seniority, popularity or the role they have within the diocese, though serving in leadership roles might make them potential candidates to be considered for the episcopacy.
Most often they will be named from another diocese; and in a diocese the size of Edmonton, it is likely that they will already be a bishop from another Diocese with some experience as a Bishop.
When will we know more?
We will provide as much information as possible as soon as possible. We encourage you to subscribe to the Window e-newsletter for more updates.
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