Together We Serve celebrates 10 years of serving those in need

09 October 2024

Appears in: Archdiocesan News

Until 10 years ago, during Holy Mass most of us gave to our parish – and at least nine “second collections” after Communion – by writing a cheque or placing currency into the collection basket. When floods, fires or other emergencies hit, we were again invited to dig deep to help those in need, and people always responded generously.

Archbishop Richard Smith, in response to the frequently expressed “donor fatigue,” proposed that all special collections be combined into a single, annual appeal. After much planning and preparation, the Archdiocese introduced Together We Serve during Lent 2014.

St. Vincent de Paul-Edmonton Central Council (ECC) is among the TWS recipients.

The annual appeal was well-received, raising $1,721,390 in its first year – exceeding its $1.6 million target by 108%. With the addition of Catholic Social Services-Sign of Hope campaign and the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith in 2015, the goal was increased to $1.94 million and, again, surpassed by more than $111,000. Buoyed by this success, the goal was again increased to $2 million in 2016, and remained there until 2022 – even as total giving started to decline.

10 Years Later

As we mark the 10th anniversary of Together We Serve, some things have not changed. The annual appeal still invites Catholics to give joyfully and generously to Catholic organizations that serve those in need at home, in Canada, and abroad. Many people have switched from cheques and paper envelopes to pre-authorized debit (PAD) and credit cards, and all who participate continue to give generously.

The annual appeal has seen some big changes in recent years.

In 2022, Archbishop Smith invited Development and Peace to return to running its own Lenten campaign in our parishes. This change allows D&P to reach out to a new generation of Catholic donors, especially those who share its vision and priorities.

In turn, we reduced the campaign goal to $1.6 million, recognizing both the departure of Development and Peace and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our parishes and families.

Despite the lower goal, Together We Serve was able to make a one-time gift of almost $165,000 to help reopen Our Lady of Victory Camp to young campers in the summer of 2023.

In 2023, St. Vincent de Paul-Edmonton Central Council (ECC) was added to the list of recipients. This stable annual funding helps ECC operate its new 14,000 square foot distribution centre and provide leadership to 20 SSVP conferences across the Archdiocese of Edmonton.

In 2023 and 2024, we reviewed parish targets and made changes, where needed, to reflect the challenges faced by many of our parishes since the launch of Together We Serve. This year’s somewhat lower goal of $1.54 million is the sum-total of these revised parish targets.

The Together We Serve appeal supports St. Joseph’s College in Edmonton.

As we enter the final months of the 2024 Together We Serve appeal, the campaign is on track to achieve its goal. To the end of September, the annual appeal has raised $988,359 – 64% of its $1.54 million goal.

If you are already giving to Together We Serve, thank you!

If you have never given, or stopped giving for any reason, we invite you to learn more about Together We Serve and how you can help to support our Catholic brothers and sisters in the vineyard of Christ.

For more information and to donate, please visit