The excusable doesn’t need to be excused and the inexcusable cannot be excused. Michael Buckley wrote those words and they contain…
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What kinds of things help induce mysticism in our lives? I was asked that question recently and this was my immediate,…
The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason. T.S. Eliot wrote those…
Courage isn’t one of my strong points, at least not one particular kind of courage. Scripture tells us that as…
The ancient Greeks had gods and goddesses for everything, including a goddess of Shame called Aidos. Shame for them meant much more than it…
We no longer understand melancholy. Today we lump all forms of melancholy together into one indiscriminate bundle and call it…
Recently in a radio interview, I was asked this question: “If you were on your deathbed, what would you want…
In his book The Secret, Rene Fumoleau has a poem entitled Sins. Fumoleau, who was a missionary priest with the Dené People in Northern…
It is normal to feel restless as a child, lonely as a teenager, and frustrated by lack of intimacy as…
Monks have secrets worth knowing, and these can be invaluable when a coronavirus pandemic is forcing millions of us to…