Archdiocesan News
In the course of many parish visits over the last year and a half, I've been repeatedly drawing attention to…
Continue Reading In an officially Muslim nation where Christians are welcomed as guest workers and free to worship, Pope Francis urged…
Most people dread returning to work after a vacation or leave. But after the birth of my second daughter Tjijandjeua,…
I was very blessed during my theological formation to have had the privilege of taking classes from two very renowned…
A new pastor with an “Olympic smile” is rejuvenating Edmonton’s celebrated Croatian Catholic community. “He’s been here only two months… Sr. Marie Therese talks about two great and holy women, St. Hildegard of Bingen and Blessed Chiara Luce Badano,…
What is spirituality and what makes for different spiritualities? The word spirituality is relatively new within the English-speaking world, at…
Despite being surrounded by thousands of young Catholics gathered for World Youth Day 2019, Edmonton pilgrim Ann-Maria Au has been…
Named after the patron saint of the Internet, St. Isidore Catholic Learning Centre in Sherwood Park is far from a…
John Edwards, a married father of three, recalls it was on Holy Thursday 2016 that he was arrested, and later…