Archbshop Richard Smith officially designated St. Jung Ha Sang parish, which honours the Korean martyr, as a personal parish to minister to the growing Korean Catholic community in the Archdiocese.
“There are many, many familes in the parish now. They demonstrate a vibrant faith and they have grown to be self-sufficient in many ways,” Archbishop Smith said in a video message to the parish recorded during his March 5 pastoral visit.
“We celebrated Mass together. I think I have had five meals now in the space of about three hours,” the Archbishop quipped, “and it’s just been a wonderful occasion. The typical Korean hospitality was spread out beautifully and I felt very, very warmly welcomed.”
During the Archbishop’s March 5 pastoral visit, he celebrated Mass, met with parishioners, participated in ceremony hanging the decree and an official plaque. Archbishop Smith also meet with the parish leaders.
Rev. James Cho as the new pastor, from the Archdiocese of Gwangju, South Korea has a personal connection to the Archbishop. He was assigned as His Grace’s interpreter during the Archbishop’s visit to the Diocese of Gwangju in 2019.
“We will look after him. Don’t worry. He is good hands here and thank you for sharing him with us” Archbishop Smith said in a message to Father James’s family and his home diocese.