Rally Will Promote Vocations in Archdiocese

14 December 2023

Appears in: Archdiocesan News

Our Church is facing a crisis of vocations. Together, we strengthen the future of the Church.

The entire Archdiocese of Edmonton is invited to join us for our Archdiocesan Vocations Rally, hosted by the Benedict XVI Institute and the Archdiocese of Edmonton. Bring as many people from your parish as you can. All are welcome!

Get your tickets here!

It will be an evening of information and fellowship to learn about “Meet Our New Priests,” the brand-new study on the state of priestly vocations in Canada by Dr. Ryan Topping, a keynote talk by Vocations Director Fr. Kris Schmidt, a special premiere of the new vocations video series “Be Not Afraid,” and a vocations panel featuring religious sisters and priests from all across our Archdiocese.

Come learn how to build a culture of vocation, whether you are discerning a religious vocation or not. Through the grace of God, the future of the Church depends on us all. We need all hands on deck!