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Did you know that the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is active in 26 parishes across the Archdiocese?…
Iconography Retreat This 5-day retreat is offered as a live-in or commuter experience. Registration closes May 1st. Limit of 8 participants. Monday,…
"I Believe" is a seven-part catechesis series on the Nicaean Creed, marking the 1700th Anniversary of the First Council of…
Holy Ground This is a 5-week spirituality and gardening series is offered only in-person. Barring inclement weather the group will…
Friends of Catholic Education Fundraising Gala On May 2nd, the Friends of Catholic Education will be hosting a fundraising gala…
To Love Our Sacred Earth & Cosmos This retreat is In-Person and on Zoom. Retreat Director is on Zoom. This…
Psalms, Saints & Ancient Prayers Steve Bell appears as part of our Aurora Living speaker series. To find out more…