“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life.” – (Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, 1)
Young people are important to the Church of today and tomorrow. Their faith, creativity, dynamism, and vitality are a surge of hope that can change the world. It is to young people that this Pastoral Letter from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is addressed.
Issued on the anniversary of the death of Blessed Carlo Acutis, 12 October 2022, this Pastoral Letter is meant to inspire young Catholics to live their faith in an extraordinary way, encouraging them to strive toward holiness, and assuring them of the steadfast support and accompaniment of their Bishops along their individual journeys of faith.
How can this Pastoral Letter and video be used?
Now available: User Guide to lead reflection on the Pastoral Letter to Young People
This Pastoral Letter is addressed to young Catholics. It can be used for individual reflection, as well as in group settings, such as parish or diocesan/eparchial youth groups, schools, families, ecclesial movements and associations, and faith-based communities. The Pastoral Letter may also serve as a tool and resource for pastoral coordinators, youth group leaders, teachers, and anyone who accompanies young people in the faith.
To inspire readers and deepen discussion about the content, reflection questions are featured after each section.
The Pastoral Letter can be downloaded, printed, shared digitally and distributed across Catholic networks.
The Pastoral Letter is accompanied by a video presentation which introduces the different themes in the text. It can also be downloaded and shared online.
Discover below the Pastoral Letter in PDF format, a video presentation and various promotional tools.
Download the Pastoral Letter (PDF)
– Jesus encounters the teachers in the Temple
– Walking and talking together
– Technology and faith
– The presence of Jesus in your life
– Growing in faith: Learning over a lifetime
– Mary, an influencer among us
– Saint Kateri: a model of courage and perseverance
– Carlos Acutis: a role model for young people in the 21st century
– Be unique!
* Reflection questions after each section

Featuring three young people and a Bishop
– Watch on YouTube
– Download the video

– Press release/announcement for bulletins
– Images to share on social media
– Image folder for webmasters