The problem in the world and in the churches, Jim Wallis suggests, is that, perennially, conservatives get it wrong and…
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Archdiocesan News
As of July 11, the Unplanned Canada website shows the movie will be screened at: Edmonton - Cineplex South Common…
His homilies are still being discussed at the Hinton parish he left four years ago. His name and his favourite…
Sports news this past week has been preoccupied with the choice of team a star player from the Toronto Raptors…
Simone Weil once commented that it’s not enough today to be merely a saint; rather “we must have the saintliness…
I really appreciate how this system works. Very recently an amber alert cut into radio programming I was listening to…
Each year, I write a column sharing with readers the title and a brief synopsis of the ten books that…
On Sunday June 16, St. Anthony’s Parish in Edmonton celebrated their patron's Feast Day. Watch St. Anthony's Parish honor their…
Rev. Kris Schmidt shares where he goes for Crossfit, and how it can help explain the Church's teachings on to…