Archdiocesan News
In fidelity to the mandate received from Christ, the Catholic Church strives to promote universal fraternity and respect for the…
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Messages and Homilies
Second Sunday in Lent – Year A Pastoral Visit to Saint Jung Ha Sang Parish Homily [Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 33;…
On the occasion of his official retirement as Archbishop of Toronto, I wish to express my heartfelt best wishes to…
On February 11th and 12th, Archbishop Smith made an episcopal visit to the parishes of Stettler, Castor and Bashaw in…
The True Meaning Of Christmas: A Series To Explain Catholic Christmas Traditions Why do we have Christmas trees? Why was…
Resources for meditation to deepen your Advent prayer The Three Comings of the Lord: A Meditation for Personal or Parish-Wide…
I will never forget the first night I held her hand. We were driving on a cold night in early…
We’re sharing several items today in advance of Catholic Education Sunday, this Sunday, November 6, 2022. The Catholic Education Sunday…
When vulnerable people come to Catholic Social Services they are people at the margins of our society. They may be…
Today, the Most Rev. Raymond Poisson, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), has issued a Pastoral Letter…