Do you have opinions, pro or con, about the Western Catholic Reporter? Well, now is the time to voice them.
The WCR’s online readership survey is now available and we want to hear from hundreds of our readers. We want to know what you think of the paper today and what you think it should become in the future.
What types of articles do you read the most? What do you read the least? Should the WCR publish less often and put more emphasis on its website? Should the WCR focus only on parish and archdiocesan news or should it provide a mix of stories and commentary from across Canada and around the world? Should it be an instrument of faith development?
Should the archdiocese continue its policy of assessing parishes to ensure all parishioners have access to the WCR? Do you get enough spiritual reading and Catholic news from other sources or does the WCR fill a gap that others do not?
These and a whole raft of other questions are asked on the online survey. A link to the survey is available on the WCR website – The survey can be completed anytime until Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010.
For those who do not have Internet access, a written survey will be made available in next week’s WCR. You can complete that survey and mail it to the WCR office. Because of the added expense of processing the printed survey, it will have fewer questions than will the online survey.
Our hope is that as many readers as possible will complete the online survey, providing the consultants, Essential Conversations, with a clear understanding of reader sentiment and opinion.
By early 2011, we expect to have a plan that will guide future development of the WCR. This is your time to make your voice heard. Go to and click on the readership survey button before Nov. 16, 2010.