“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Cor 9: 7
Stéphane Haché
Psst. Want to do something taboo? Let’s talk about money!
I don’t mean money in general, like, “What’s the exchange rate on the Canadian dollar today?” I mean something much more radical, like, your money and what you do with it.
Even as Catholics – who should know that everything we have is a gift from God – we have a hard time talking about money. That’s because talking about our money is one of the few remaining taboos in our anything-goes culture.
In this regular column, we’re going to break the taboo and talk about money. More specifically, we’re going to talk about what money represents within the context of Christian stewardship.
Some of the topics we plan to tackle include: Did Jesus ever talk about money? (hint: yes!) How should a disciple of Christ think about money? What is the collection and why is it part of the Mass? How much do Catholics give to their local Church? How much should I give?
You can also expect to see articles and updates on special events, campaigns and new opportunities to give. If you have questions or topics that you would like us to address, please send them to me at: Stephane.Hache@caedm.ca
An Opportunity to Give: Help rebuild Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples
Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples in downtown Edmonton – the national Indigenous parish – was devastated by fire on Aug. 30, 2020. Learn more about this unique parish and how you can help rebuild Sacred Heart Church as the heart of the Indigenous and inner city community, click here: Sacred Heart Rebuilding Fund.
– Stéphane Haché is the donor engagement for the Archdiocese of Edmonton