Statement on Grandin name

04 June 2021

Appears in: Archdiocesan NewsNews Release

The people of the Archdiocese of Edmonton share the deep pain felt by Indigenous Peoples, and indeed all Canadians, arising from the disclosure that what is believed to be the remains of 215 children were found at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in B.C.

The painful legacy of residential schools, many of which were originally under Catholic administration, reverberates to this day.

The name Bishop Vital-Justin Grandin, Alberta’s first bishop, appears in a variety of contexts: on buildings, schools, and neighbourhoods. We acknowledge that it represents a controversial and mixed legacy. Although Bishop Grandin is rightly remembered for the many good things he accomplished, nevertheless the association of his name with the sad and tragic legacy of residential schools has rendered it for many people a reminder of very painful experiences.

The Archdiocese is ready to engage and work directly with First Nations, Franco-Albertan communities, the City of Edmonton, the provincial government and all stakeholders in an ongoing and meaningful conversation about the next steps.

We are committed and working towards finding a solution that is respectful to all parties involved.

Download the statement: Grandin Name Statement (PDF, 1 page)

For more information contact: 

Andrew Ehrkamp, Communications Lead
Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton
Tel: 780-469-1010 x2441 Cell: 780-399-6523