Together We Serve still hopes to raise $2M, as needs have grown amid pandemic

10 March 2021

Appears in: Archdiocesan News

The annual Together We Serve appeal – with its guiding philosophy of  “Catholics making a difference” – has become even more significant as a result of the COVD-19 pandemic.

The archdiocesan campaign will continue this year, supporting parishes, the Archdiocese, Catholic institutions and the community in general. The goal remains the same as last year, to raise $2 million or more, supporting 10 agencies and institutions.

How the gifts are shared

“The needs for each of our partners have grown, while resources have diminished significantly during the pandemic,” Archbishop Richard Smith wrote in a letter to the faithful.

“The vision of Together We Serve is to help the people of The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton grow in their relationship with Christ. It is to instill in each person an awareness that every gift of nature and grace is a gift from God,” Archbishop Smith said.

“During Lent, let us focus on living in a spirit of gratitude and expressing that gratitude through our actions. United in Christ, there are no small acts. Collectively we can make a great deal of difference. All is God’s gift. Everything good that we have and are comes from God.”

Through the Together We Serve appeal, donors may be supporting and creating hope for women and children escaping domestic violence, Catholic institutions, the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith in the Northwest Territories, and retired priests in the Edmonton Archdiocese.

“2021 will be a transition year for the campaign as we rethink and relaunch a new version for 2022,” said Stéphane Haché, the new donor engagement lead for the Archdiocese of Edmonton.

“I encourage you to reach out to parishioners who need the connection to the parish more than ever these days and reflect with them on the importance of this collection supporting our many Catholic partners.  The beneficiaries need us more than ever and really appreciate all the funds you can raise during this coming year.”

Funds can be collected throughout the year until December 31, 2021. Donors can support Together We Serve through the Archdiocesan website as well as monthly giving through credit cards or automatic withdrawal.