Archbishop in Dialogue: Mission and MAiD

19 February 2021

Appears in: Archdiocesan News

“People of ethics and morals need to be woken up to the dangers our country is sleepwalking into.”


For our fifth episode of “Archbishop in Dialogue”, Archbishop Richard Smith is joined by Dr. Heidi Janz and Dr. Robert Hauptman to talk about the way worship propels us into our Christian mission. To make that concrete they discuss the expansion of assisted suicide proposed in Bill-C7, the danger it poses to the disabled community as well as the whole of society.

Dr. Heidi Janz is an Assistant Adjunct Professor with the John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre and she also Chairs the Ending-of-Life Ethics Committee for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. Dr. Robert Hauptman is currently a family physician and a former chronic pain consultant.

We invite you watch the video here on Grandin Media, on the Archdiocese of Edmonton Youtube channel, or pick up the audio podcast. Is there something you’d like to see addressed on Archbishop in Dialogue? Comments and questions welcome!

ARCHBISHOP IN DIALOGUE is a new digital platform for the Archbishop of Edmonton to teach the Catholic faith in an engaging manner, using thoughtful conversations with a variety of guests from all walks of life. Each episode will be presented in long form video and audio podcast formats, and viewers/listeners will be invited to comment.

This project has grown out of Archbishop Smith’s 2017 Pastoral Letter, Living in the Word of God. In it, he offered “some thoughts as to how we, as members of this Archdiocesan family, can together listen carefully to the Word of God and, in a shared commitment, put it into practice.”

He also posed a number of reflection questions to help us examine how we can more fully embrace our Christian identity and joyfully follow the Christian way of life.

In the first two years after the letter was published, we concentrated on hearing the Word. We were called to make an encounter with Sacred Scripture part of our daily lives, by incorporating it into our Grace at meals, adding it to the beginning of our meetings, gathering for Bible studies, or just reflecting on a Bible passage each day. Now as we enter the third year, we will concentrate on doing the Word; that is, putting the Word of God into practice.