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Maturity has various levels. Basic maturity is defined as having essentially outgrown the instinctual selfishness with which we were born…
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Does the earth feel pain? Can it groan and cry out to God? Can the earth curse us for our…
God is erotically charged and the world is achingly amorous, hence they caress each other in mutual attraction and filiation.…
In his book, The Second Mountain David Brooks suggests that a key to sustaining fidelity in any vocation is to build a structure…
What’s right and what’s wrong? We fight a lot over moral issues, often with a self-assured righteousness. And mostly we…
Looking at our world today, what frightens and unsettles me more than the threat of the COVID virus, more than…
On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis released a new encyclical entitled, Fratelli Tutti –…
One size doesn’t fit everyone. This isn’t just true for clothing, it’s also true for spirituality. Our challenges in life…
We tend to be naïve about evil, at least as to what it looks like in everyday life. Our picture…
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam ultimately all believe in the same God. Interestingly, too, in the popular mind they also all…